View from a Teenage Wasteland

I am a teacher at a small school. My subjects are Chemistry and Physics. The school has problems but instead of whining they are trying to fix the problems.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

days I love job

Chemistry is doing their first real lab. Chemicals, goggles, glove, the works. Its a simple one because inspite of law and policy, they have never done a lab before. The lab is designed to let them practice an actual lab. They mix chemicals in a baggie and wait for a reaction. This way even through the bag and gloves they can feel a temperature change along with watching for bubbling and color change.

The first set nothing happens, its a control to let them see what one powder does in water. The second one, the powder dissolves into the water and heats it up. The expression on their faces when they realize what is happening. "its hot..."...

buddy "what?"

"really here feel."
buddy feels bag too and passes bag to rest of the group as they feel the exothermic reaction.

Students together..."what happens in the next one?" to me

Me as I walk away to check on other groups. "guess you better find out."

Hear voice behind me..."okay we need 2 tablespoons of calcium chloride."..they are setting the next one.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Teenagers do things that adults can only describe as "boneheaded". There is no other word for it. Its normal. The teenage brain is literally be re wired and that part that says "don't do this, there are bad consequences" doesn't work.

Example one of my best and brightest had a beta club meeting before school. She left out the wrong door of the building. Not a biggie, right. Well there are rules which doors students can use before school, a means to keep them from running amuck. A teacher told her and her buddies to use the right door. They ignored her. As a result the three musketeers got lunch detention. The principal was talking to the ringleader where she was saying she would not do. He calmly replied "if you don't do detention, you'll have to go home." At which point she went out the door and went home. She claims "he told me to." She got three days ISS. When back in class commenting on it she started to tell her side of it. "Mrs. W. you weren't there, you don't know what happenned it was like this..."

"you're right I wasn't there, but even if you convinced me of your truth and rightiousness I still can't help you, can I do the lesson now."

Then later 2 other geniuses decided to skip band...ISS three days.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I'm supposed to have students that tend to listen.

I'm supposed to teach occasional athelics who realize that their team position is a responsibility instead of a "get out of jail free card."

I'm supposed to have students that are not whacked out on drugs either illegal or prescribed.

Oh yea, first game of the season against a long term rival, we won 24-19.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another science teacher is talking to me. She's really a math teacher they took out of retirement to teach. "I'm reviewing for the test tommorrow"

Me, "why review?, tell them what will be on the test and what they need to know and move on."

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thank you god.

I haven't heard a single swear word from my students.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

out in the boondocks

Many years ago when I first moved into this state I had a clerical job in a small company 20 miles south of where I lived. Now you'd think, rural, salt of the earth, must be some good home cooking, right about! some place where you can get a good wrong. These people wouldn't know decent food if it bit them, which considering what they do to poor catfish is possible. No I don't think its just because the restaurants serve one food and people cook well in their homes.

But back to where I started, there they were, my fellow coworkers discussing which of the gas stations had the best pizza.

Today it happened again, in the faculty lounge in another small town, they are discussing which gas station has the best fried chicken.

Alton Brown I'm sorry.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

New job

Wow what a change!

I am at another school now.

I get 11th and 12th graders. They are honors students. I have complete set of science supplies. I teacher honors students. There are problems with the school but instead of moping they are trying to fix the problems.

I start tomorrow.