I am a teacher at a small school. My subjects are Chemistry and Physics. The school has problems but instead of whining they are trying to fix the problems.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

does this look like spam to you?

Seriously this is an email I recieved through the teacher job search website used in my state.
(names changed)

"Dear Ms. Widget,

Hello! We look forward to hearing from you!Please go to our website: http:school web site. There, you can type in your information on the online application form before printing it out. Download two reference forms to give to persons of your choosing in the education field. These are to be sent back to us under separate mail. With your appl., please include copies of your transcript(s) and Arkansas Teacher's Certificate.
If you do not hold an Arkansas Teacher's Certificate, please provide copies of your Praxis Scores and proof that you are eligible for certification. Also, provide more than one phone number (including cell phone) where you may be reached to arrange an interview."

I keep debating emailing them back and saying "who are you?" I don't go to unsolited websites. It is much akin to the phishing spam I get asking me to update my account in a bank I don't use.
Does nobody at this place know how to write a selling letter? This was written by a Doctor no less (bet its an E.D.).
I know I don't want to work in this city even if I were looking for a job. They arrested three kids for shooting another kid.

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