I am a teacher at a small school. My subjects are Chemistry and Physics. The school has problems but instead of whining they are trying to fix the problems.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Starting off

My husband has just won a bet with himself.

Since I read blogs, he figured eventually I'd start one.

As the profile says, I am a non traditional teacher, though I started teacher training, had to stop then just get my degree. Life happened and happened again, and I got a masters with non traditional training. I teach science. All of them. The kids in the school are "problem kids" or I refer to them as "usual suspects".

Ain't we a set?

My kids are safe to turn you back to, usually. They are not serious criminals, though many have occassion with the court system, drug use, petty theft, fights.

No I've received no serious special training, the model is "modify and adjust". What I have is knowledge, a staff with high morale, a counselor who lets me gripe in her office, and a sense of humor. Also a sense of proportion, I'm trying to win the war, not every battle. Everyday is a new experience. 10 new kids in the class because one school finished up the paper work to send them, adjust. Only kid in class but one because its court day, modify.

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