I am a teacher at a small school. My subjects are Chemistry and Physics. The school has problems but instead of whining they are trying to fix the problems.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

troubles not my own

"god, now that I'm done with the day I want to thank you for it.

Thank you for the cold weather, we need it to kill bugs and to make me appreciate the summer more. Thank you for the near flooding rains we have may they help our nearly deplited aquifer. I thank you for my health, compared to other women my age, I'm gonna live forever, Thank you for my children who are a constant joy and a source of "no fake, this really is what he did, wait for the punch line..." stories. Thank you for my 1.st 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class, they all worked hard and were a joy to teach. Now, can you do something about my 2nd period class which is also my seventh. Can you help Michael who's mom is in rehab, please let him be able to sit still for 5 minutes. Help Jonathon, who's father is in prison and mother is on dialysis do what I say without arguing, the "I can't take my test because I need lotion" was a hoot. Help Fred who may be bipolar control his anger and who is an angel sometimes and other times his head should start spinning 360s. About Ralph who has tourette's help him realize that the girl who he thinks he loves is using him. Help Kevin...well help Kevin realize there is a reason he repeated 2 grade, and its not because he's cute like he thinks. Help David not to be a clown, and help Josh who is trying settle down and get to work, one more write up and he's back in detention at the childrens' home.

God, if its part of your plan not to help them...could you help me. could you give me wisdom to deal with them to help them change, or please, let me find a way to be more patient with them.

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